Degree Programs
BS in Accounting (ACBSP accredited)
BS in Business Administration (ACBSP accredited)
- Apply up to 90 transfer credits
- Industry-recognized certifications can be embedded into program*
- Select professional certifications can be applied as transfer credit
- Concentrations available in Entrepreneurship/Small Business Management; and Management
- Academic tracks available in Customer Service Management; HR Management; and Leadership Development
BS in Organizational Leadership and Management
- Apply up to 102 transfer credits
- Industry-recognized certifications can be embedded into program*
- Academic Tracks: Customer Service Management; Entrepreneurship; and HR Management
- Select professional certifications can be applied as transfer credit
- One of our most flexible degree programs
AS in Business Administration (ACBSP accredited)
- Apply up to 30 transfer credits
- Industry-recognized certifications can be embedded into program*
- Select professional certifications can be applied as transfer credit
- Program fits seamlessly into BS in Business Administration
BS in Human Resource Management
- Apply up to 90 transfer credits
- Industry-recognized certifications can be embedded into program*
- Select professional certifications can be applied as transfer credit
- Graduates are prepared to sit for the Professional in Human Resource (PHR®) certification exam
AS in Leadership Development
- Apply up to 30 transfer credits
- Industry-recognized certifications can be embedded into program*
- Select professional certifications can be applied as transfer credit
- Program fit seamlessly into BS in Organizational Leadership and Management
AS in Office Management and Supervision
- Apply up to 30 transfer credits
- Program fit seamlessly into BS in Organizational Leadership and Management
Online, Stackable Certificates of Proficiency
Stackable, undergraduate certificates are offered completely online and fit directly into several undergraduate degree programs at Peirce.