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Advance Your Career with a Degree in Office Management & Supervision

The Associate in Science in Office Management and Supervision degree program provides students with a comprehensive understanding of the fundamental principles and practices essential for overseeing and optimizing office operations in a wide range of industries. 

Graduates will be prepared to supervise and manage the operations and personnel of business offices, and gain the skills required to advance in various administrative and supervisory roles.

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What You Can Expect 

  • Apply up to 30 transfer credits
  • Embed an undergraduate certificate in Client Service into the degree
  • Courses offered in online and hybrid formats
  • Weekly, optional, live, virtual sessions with your professors
  • Program fits seamlessly into bachelor’s degree programs in Business Administration, Organizational Leadership and Management and Liberal Studies 

What You Will Learn

  • The fundamentals for managing an office setting
  • Proficient use of office applications that will improve workflow and office productivity
  • Application of business principles such as accounting and marketing
  • Management concepts and practices to effectively oversee office operations

Program at a Glance:



Transfer Credits:

Up to 30 transfer credits can be applied to this degree


Online and Hybrid formats

Per Credit Tuition:

$600 per credit

See if you are eligible for a corporate discount

*Tuition is based on current Peirce College tuition and does not include fees or books.

Emergency Student Aid

Emergency Student Aid grants are available for Peirce students. Grants can be used to pay off balances, cover tuition, buy books, and for all costs of attendance, including food, rent, childcare, and transportation. Learn more.

Office Management & Supervision Degree Curriculum

Associate in Science Degree Curriculum - Minimum Total Credits: 61

PRC 100 or 101Peirce College 1011
BIS 111Application Software Fundamentals3
ENG 101English Composition3
ENG 103Rhetoric and Research3
COM 112Speech Communication3
MAT 101Introduction to College Mathematics3
HUM 102Introduction to Ethics3
SCIScience Core (choose 1)3
GEN EDGen Ed Core 3
SOC SCISocial Science Core (choose 1)3
BUS 100Introduction to Business3
ACC 105Fundamentals of Accounting 3
MGT 119Emotional Intelligence in the Workplace3
MGT 210Applied Management Concepts3
MKT 208Internet Marketing 3
BIS 222Intermediate Office Applications 3
MGT 126Organizations and People 3
HRM 201Human Resource Management 3
BUS 140Applications of Professional Office Practices3
ELEElective Courses (choose 2)6

Embed a Stackable Certificate

Students can earn an Undergraduate Certificate of Proficiency to earn with this degree:

Learning Outcomes

Upon completion of the certificate, graduates will be able to:

  1. Demonstrate proficiency using various office applications, including word processing, spreadsheets, and presentation software to improve office productivity and workflow.
  2.  Apply business principles including accounting, management, and marketing to business situations.
  3. Examine the dynamics of workplace culture, collaboration, diversity and inclusion
  4. Apply fundamental management concepts and principles to effectively oversee office operations.

Apply Today

“Strong management and leadership skills are needed everywhere and employers today are seeking individuals who can build capacity. Our Office Management and Supervision program provides students with the ability to apply fundamental management concepts and principles to effectively oversee office operations in a wide range of industries.” 

Charlene Glenn, Ed.D.
Interim Dean of Graduate Studies and Business Programs

Interested in a degree in Office Management and Supervision? Contact an Admissions Representative and get started with your application. You can also apply using our online application.

Or Make an Appointment with us today!