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Associate in Business Administration

The Associate in Science in Business Administration degree provides students with a foundation of general education and business principles that help working adults apply what they learn in the program directly to their jobs and careers. Students can complete the degree entirely online.

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What You Can Expect

  • Apply up to 30 transfer credits
  • Embed an employer-recognized certification into your program
  • Credit awarded for select professional certifications 
  • Courses offered in online and hybrid formats
  • Weekly, optional, live, virtual sessions with your professors
  • Program fits seamlessly into BS in Business Administration

What You Will Learn

  • Accounting Principles
  • Economics
  • Financial Accounting
  • Business Law
  • Marketing

This program is ACBSP-accreditedLearn more about this accreditation and CHEA student achievement.

The program prepares graduates for continuing their education and baccalaureate level as all credits apply directly to the Bachelor’s in Business Administration at Peirce.

Program at a Glance:



Transfer Credits:

Up to 30 transfer credits can be applied to this degree


Online and Hybrid formats

Per Credit Tuition:

$600 per credit

See if you are eligible for a corporate discount

*Tuition is based on current Peirce College tuition and does not include fees or books.

Emergency Student Aid

Emergency Student Aid grants are available for Peirce students. Grants can be used to pay off balances, cover tuition, buy books, and for all costs of attendance, including food, rent, childcare, and transportation. Learn more.

Curriculum for the AS in Business Administration

PRC PRC 100 or PRC 101* 1
BIS 111 Application Software Fundamentals 3
COM 112 Speech Communication 3
ECO 101 Macroeconomics 3
ENG 101 English Composition 3
ENG 103 Rhetoric and Research 3
HUM 102 Introduction to Ethics 3
MAT 101 Introduction to College Mathematics 3
MAT 102 College Algebra 3
SCI Science Course (choose 1) 3
BUS 100 Introduction to Business 3
ACC 101 Accounting Principles  3
ACC 201 Financial Accounting 3
ECO 102 Microeconomics 3
FIN 201 Introduction to Finance 3
LAW 103 Business Law 3
MKT 101 Introduction to Marketing 3
BUS 250 Associate Business Capstone Course 3
CWE 104 or ELE Cooperative Work Experience or Elective 3
ELE Recommend Business Elective – Focus Options 6
TOTAL:   61 Credits

*Students who place into developmental education courses and/or who have fewer than 15 transfer credits are required to enroll in PRC 100: Student Success Seminar.

Course Descriptions and Information

View course descriptions and prerequisite information in our Undergraduate Catalog