Peirce Testifies at State Hearing on Workforce Development

Sep 28, 2021, 11:39 by Amanda Hill
Peirce Testifies at State Hearing on Workforce Development
Dr. Mary Ellen Caro and Tara Butler '16, '18 Inform Policymakers
HARRISBURG, PA - Peirce College recently participated in a joint hearing of the Pennsylvania Senate Education and Labor & Industry committees on adult education and workforce development that explored the critical needs of adults, training providers and employers throughout Pennsylvania, and the importance of adult basic education, upskilling, reskilling, and career pathways for adults.

The hearing took place on Sept. 22, 2021. Dr. Mary Ellen Caro, president & CEO of Peirce College, told the committee that programs like  Peirce’s new Career Bridge model, meet the unique needs of adult learners and employers by creating pathways to employment.

“We need to invest in programs that work around the unique needs of adults and prepare them for in-demand jobs,” she said.

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Joe Guzzardo

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