
Peirce Puts You on Track for Success in a Variety of Legal Fields

Legal Studies programs at Peirce College prepare students with critical intellectual tools and practical application skills required to explore the intersections of law, business and society. Courses are offered in online and hybrid formats, and foundational courses in our Paralegal programs must be completed via live, online, face-to-face courses. All Legal Studies graduates will be prepared for professional advancement and opportunities in law and business as well as graduate-level study.

Bachelor’s Degree Programs

Bachelor-to-JD Program - with Rutgers Law School

Associate Degree Programs

Undergraduate Certificates

Career Options in Legal Studies

Learn from Experienced Legal and Criminal Justice Faculty, Excellent Education

Our Legal Studies programs are led by dedicated faculty members with extensive backgrounds in legal specialties who are committed to preparing the next generation of legal professionals. Serving as mentors, our Legal Studies faculty will work closely with you to navigate you through your academic and professional paths.

Undergraduate Degree Success Story

Bachelors degree program success story


Criminal Justice Studies

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