Earning Credit via Credit-By-Exam

Exam programs are a way to “test out” of certain courses at Peirce College and are ideal for students who possess knowledge of a specific course and are comfortable taking a pass/fail exam. Credit-by-exam programs can save you time and money because they are typically much less expensive than course tuition and can be taken whenever you are ready for the exam.

Peirce has created its own exam programs (see list and guidelines below).

To learn more about whether an exam program is right for you, contact an Admissions Representative.

Peirce College Credit By Examination Guidelines:

  • Obtain prior written approval from your Academic Advisor; you need to be an enrolled student to register for a Peirce exam.
  • You may only take the exam to test out of a course ONE TIME PER COURSE.
  • You may not test out of a course that you previously completed with a grade lower than a C, an I (Incomplete), or a W (withdrawal).
  • The non-refundable fee for Credit by Examination must be paid before scheduling the test with your Academic Advisor; if you do not successfully test out of the course, the fee will be credited toward future tuition charges at Peirce College within one calendar year from date of test out.
  • The Credit by Examination fee should be paid through Student Financial Services. You must complete the test within the scheduled time and follow test-taking procedures as outlined by the test administrator.

You can also earn credit for exams offered by College-Level Exam Program (CLEP) and the DSST exam program.

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Course Available for Credit by Exam

  • ACC 201: Financial Accounting I
  • BIS 111: Application Software Fundamentals
  • BUS 100: Introduction to Business
  • ENG 101: English Composition
  • FIN 201: Introduction to Finance
  • HIS 250: Global Cultures I
  • HIT 100: Medical Terminology
  • HRM 201: Human Resource Management
  • INT 101: Introduction to International Business and Cultures
  • LAW 113 – Law in America
  • MAT 101: Introduction to College Mathematics
  • MAT 102: College Algebra
  • MGT 114: Essentials of Customer Service
  • MGT 126: Organizations and People
  • SCI 240: Introduction to Anatomy and Physiology
  • SCI 250: Anatomy and Physiology II
  • SCI 270: Pathophysiology