Peirce’s generous transfer credit policy helps you maximize the credits you already have to save time and money. If you have at least 15 transfer credits, here are your next steps:
If you didn’t earn a grade of “C” or above in college-level English and mathematics, you’ll need to submit a writing sample and complete a math inventory to evaluate your needs. If you have earned 30 college credits or more that transfer to Peirce, you are not required to submit a writing sample or complete a math inventory. Most students will need to take the Peirce College Orientation Course, PRC-101, which can currently taken for free. So you can take your first course on us!
First Time/First Year Students
If this is your first time going to college or if you have less than 15 transfer credits, all you need to get started is:
First time/First Year students who have not earned a grade of “C” or above in college-level English and mathematics are required to submit a writing sample and complete a math inventory to evaluate your needs. You enroll in the Student Success Seminar, PRC100. For more information, please see the Orientation Course Requirement and the Placement Policy.