Community College Transfer Articulation Program

Did you earn your associate degree at a Philadelphia-area community college within the last two years? Congratulations! But don’t stop there! Take advantage of Peirce College’s transfer articulation program and save money while you complete your education with a bachelor’s degree.

The Transfer Articulation program is your chance to qualify for a scholarship and have your $50 application fee waived if you completed your associate degree at one of our partner schools and maintained a GPA of 2.5 or higher. You’ll also be guided through transferring your community college credits by Peirce College’s Admissions Team, who will help you smoothly transfer to Peirce and bring your credits with you.

You’ve worked hard to earn those college credits. Now it’s time to put them to work saving you money.


To apply, download and complete the application and return to

If you have trouble accessing the application, please contact the Admissions Team at 215.670.9000 or

Articulation Partner Schools

Bergen County Community College
Contact: Transfer Counseling Department
Center for Student Success: Room A-118, Pitkin Education Center, 1st Floor
201.447-7211 |

Brookdale Community College
Contact: Ann Tickner-Janikowski, Director, Transfer Services/Articulation
732.224.2015 |

Bucks County Community College
Contact: Debora Bergen, Assistant Director Advising and Transfer Services
215.968.8183 |

Camden County College
Contact: Kaitlynn Shawaryn, Director of Transfer Services
856.227.7200, ext. 4079 |

Community College of Baltimore County
Contact: Nicole Zairi, Director of Articulation, Transfer, and Prior Learning
443.840.4647 |

Community College of Philadelphia
Contact: Todd Jones, Transfer Specialist
215.751.8177 |

Cumberland County College
Contact: Jaime Connolly, Director of Advisement and Retention
856.691.8600, ext. 1348 |

Delaware County Community College
Contact: Nora Manz, Director of Advising, Transfer, and Articulation
610.359.5060 |

Harcum College
Contact: Danyele Dove, Director of Career and Transfer Services
610.526.6047 |

Harrisburg Area Community College
Contact: Jeff Newhard, Career and Transfer Services Specialist
717.736.4227 |

Lehigh Carbon Community College
Contact: Ginny Mihalik, Transfer Counselor
610.799.1137 |

Manor College
Contact: Brittany Elmore, Academic Records Coordinator
215.885.2360, ext. 244 |

Mercer County College
Contact: Laurene Jones, Director of Transfer and Career Services
609.586.4800 |

Middlesex County College
Contact: Betsy Paujus
732.906.2595 |

Montgomery County Community College
Contact: Kim Murphy, Assistant Dean of Academic Affairs
215.461.1135 |

Northampton Community College 
Contact: Michelle Palmisano, Transfer Specialist
610.861.5346 |

Pennsylvania Institute of Technology
Contact: Cheryl Spera, Outreach and Special Projects Coordinator
(610) 892-1559 |

Raritan Valley Community College
Contact: Paul Michaud, Director of Transfer and Career Services
(908) 526-1200, ext. 8333 |

Rowan College at Burlington County
Contact: Transfer Center, Mount Laurel Campus, Evans Hall Rm 172
(856) 222-9311, ext. 2737 |

Rowan College at Gloucester County
Contact: John Ortiz, Director of Transfer Services
856.415.2198 |

Valley Forge Military College
Contact: Marney Vandemark, Student Success Advisor
610.989.1460 |