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Finish Your Degree Faster – Start With a Free Credit Evaluation.

Peirce College maximizes your transfer credits, training and other forms of prior learning to save you time and money.

This includes college courses you have already taken, professional and military training you have completed, credit-by-exam, courses and certificates you have taken from alternative providers, like Google,, and, and for college-level knowledge and expertise gained in your career and in your life. 

To get a free preliminary review of your transfer credits and prior learning, contact us today:

Make an Appointment with an Admissions Counselor, or contact us directly at or 215.670.9214.

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Earn credit for what you already know

These include credits you have earned accredited community colleges, junior colleges or four-year institutions. At Peirce you can apply up to 30 transfer credits to an associates and up to 90-102 transfer credits to a bachelor’s. Transfer credits can also be applied to our undergraduate certificates. 

Peirce has a long history of serving members of the US military and was founded to serve Civil War veterans. Today, we are proud to continue helping our veterans achieve their educational and career goals and specialize in helping service members and veterans maximize credits awarded for military training and other expertise gained during their service. 

Peirce students can save thousands on tuition by transferring select courses and certificates offered by no-cost and low-cost providers, Coursera, Google, Meta,, and Peirce has aligned its degree programs with many courses from these organizations.

Peirce awards credit for law enforcement training, including up to 57 credits for Philadelphia Police Academy training and up to 27 credits for Philadelphia Division of Prison training, which align closely to our Criminal Justice programs. 

Have you already learned knowledge and mastered skills that are relevant to the degree you want to earn? The College-Level Examination Program® (CLEP®) is designed to help you gain credit by proving your subject mastery. You can also earn credit for DSST® exams (formerly known as DANTES).

The IT world is one of today’s fastest-moving industries, and so many IT professionals stay relevant to current technologies by passing certifications. If you hold relevant certifications, don’t let them go to waste – turn them into credits at Peirce!

Peirce offers several of our own exams that allow you the opportunity to test out of courses and prove your proficiency in a subject. Click the link above to see the list of eligible courses with test-out exam options, which can save you time and money. 

Peirce awards credit for several health information technology certifications that align with many of our degree programs, including Health Information Management and Health Information Administration. If you hold relevant certifications, they can be applied as credit toward your degree at Peirce and save you time and money.

Learners who’ve passed Advanced Placement (AP) exams have already demonstrated their mastery over the subject for which they were tested. If you’ve completed AP exams, then you may be able to turn your exam scores into college credits.

If you have experience from your career that you think is applicable to your college degree, then Peirce wants to give you credit for it. Our free assessment will determine if you’re eligible for college credit for life experience. Schedule a consultation today learn more about how you can leverage your experiences to graduate faster.