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AA in General Studies

The Associate in Arts in General Studies is the most flexible associate degree at Peirce. The program is perfect for students interested in advancing their education to prepare for professional advancement and features core general education courses, including humanities, history, arts, communication, English, social sciences, mathematics, science, and technology.

Take Your First Course for Free

Earn Up to 22 Credits at No Cost

For a limited time, we are waiving the cost of PRC 101, our three-week orientation course that is required for most undergraduate students and helps you explore career opportunities. It also makes you eligible to earn a Google Career Certificate, the Meta Social Media Marketing Professional Certificate and take additional courses through our partnership with Coursera at no cost. This means you can earn up to 22 credits for free, which can save you more than $13,000 in tuition (and even more in books).

What You Can Expect 

  • Apply up to 30 transfer credits
  • Embed an employer-recognized certification into your program
  • Earn up to 22 credits at no cost
  • Courses offered in online and hybrid formats
  • Weekly, optional, live, virtual sessions with your professors
  • Credits awarded for select professional certifications
  • Entire degree fits seamlessly into several bachelor’s degrees at Peirce

What You Will Learn

  • Oral and written communication skills
  • Expanded social, political, historical, mathematical, and scientific knowledge
  • Critical thinking, analysis, and problem solving in qualitative and quantitative contexts
  • Expanded understanding of global interconnectivity
  • Preparation for baccalaureate-level study

The program prepares graduates for continuing their education and baccalaureate level as all credits apply directly to several bachelor’s degree programs at Peirce.

Learn more about why Peirce’s General Studies degree may be right for you.

Program at a Glance:



Transfer Credits:

Up to 30 transfer credits can be applied to this degree


Online and Hybrid formats

Per Credit Tuition:

$600 per credit

See if you are eligible for a corporate discount

*Tuition is based on current Peirce College tuition and does not include fees or books.

Emergency Student Aid

Emergency Student Aid grants are available for Peirce students. Grants can be used to pay off balances, cover tuition, buy books, and for all costs of attendance, including food, rent, childcare, and transportation. Learn more.


The curriculum for the Associate of Arts in General Studies covers a wide range of courses: humanities, history, arts, English, social sciences, mathematics, technology and more. 

Associate in Arts Degree Curriculum - Minimum Total Credits: 61

PRCPRC 100 or PRC 101*1
BIS 111Application Software Fundamentals3
COM 112Speech Communication3
ENG 101English Composition3
ENG 103Rhetoric and Research3
HUM 102Introduction to Ethics3
MAT 101Introduction to College Mathematics3
SOC SCISocial Science Core (choose 1)3
SCIScience Core (choose 1)3
GEN EDGeneral Education Core (choose 1)3
FIN 100Introduction to Personal Finance3
HUM 275Leadership and the Humanities3
GEN ED General Education Core (choose 2)6
ELEElective Courses (choose choose 7)21

Apply Today

Interested in a degree in General Studies? Contact an Admissions Representative and get started with your application. You can also apply using our online application!