Course Equivalencies

More than 175 courses are accepted for credit at Peirce College and map to our bachelor’s degree programs.

A dedicated Peirce Admissions Advisor can help you map out your degree completion plan, utilizing transfer credit, courses, and Peirce College courses. Please see the full listing of courses accepted for credit by Peirce College below. Equivalencies of Peirce College Courses Course NamePeirce College EquivalentCredits
Accounting 101: Financial AccountingACC 1013
Accounting 102: Intro to Managerial AccountingACC 2223
Accounting 201: Intermediate Accounting IACC 2033
Accounting 202: Intermediate Accounting IIACC 2043
Accounting 301: Applied Managerial AccountingBusiness Elective3
Accounting 302: Advanced AccountingACC 2013
Accounting 303: Cost AccountingACC 3033
Art 103: History of Western Art IHumanities Core3
Art 104: History of Western Art IIHumanities Core3
Astronomy 101: Intro to AstronomyScience Core3
Biology 101: Intro to BiologySCI 1053
Biology 101L: Intro to Biology with LabSCI 1054
Biology 102: Basic GeneticsScience Core3
Biology 103: MicrobiologyScience Core3
Biology 105: Anatomy & PhysiologySCI 2403
Biology 106: PathophysiologySCI 2703
Business 100: Intro to BusinessBUS 1003
Business 101: Principles of ManagementMGT 2103
Business 102: Principles of MarketingMKT 1013
Business 103: Introductory Business LawLAW 1033
Business 104: Information Systems and Computer ApplicationsBIS 1113
Business 106: Human Resource ManagementHRM 2013
Business 107: Organizational BehaviorBusiness Elective3
Business 108: Business EthicsBusiness Elective3
Business 109: Intro to ComputingOpen Elective3
Business 110: Business MathMAT 1013
Business 111: Principles of SupervisionMGT 1303
Business 113: Business CommunicationCommunications Core3
Business 120: International BusinessINT 1013
Business 202: Introduction to E-CommerceBUS 3103
Business 203: Introduction to Retail MerchandisingBusiness Elective3
Business 212: Business StatisticsMath Elective3
Business 302: Foundations of LeadershipBusiness Elective3
Business 303: Management Information SystemsInformation Technology Elective3
Business 304: Leading Organizational ChangeBusiness Elective3
Business 305: Leadership CommunicationBusiness or General Education Elective3
Business 306: Strategic Human Resources ManagementHRM Elective3
Business 307: Leadership & Organizational BehaviorMGT 3063
Business 308: Globalization & International ManagementBUS 3013
Business 309: Digital Marketing & AdvertisingBusiness or Marketing Elective3
Business 310: Advanced Business EthicsBusiness Elective3
Business 311: Project ManagementMIS 3023
Business 312: Advanced Operations ManagementMGT 4043
Business 313: Organizational CommunicationCommunications Core3
Business 314: Employment LawLGL 4063
Business 315: Logistics & Supply Chain ManagementBusiness Elective3
Business 318: Management EthicsMGT 3103
Business 319: Negotiations & Conflict ManagementBusiness Elective3
Business 321: Small Business ManagementENT 2003
Business 323: Organizational TheoryBusiness Elective3
Business 324: Managerial CommunicationCommunications Core3
Business 325: Union & Labor RelationsHRM 3803
Business 327: Retail StrategyBusiness Elective3
Chemistry 101: General ChemistryScience Core3
Chemistry 111L: Chemistry I w/ labScience Elective3
Chemistry 112L: Chemistry II w/ LabScience Elective3
Communications 101: Public SpeakingCOM 1123
Communications 102: Interpersonal CommunicationsCommunications Core3
Communications 301: Diversity and Intercultural CommunicationCOM 2023
Computer Science 102: Fundamentals of Information TechnologyInformation Technology Elective3
Computer Science 103: Computer Concepts & ApplicationsBIS 1113
Computer Science 105: Introduction to Operating SystemsInformation Technology Elective3
Computer Science 107: Database Fundamentals Information Technology Elective3
Computer Science 108: Introduction to Networking ITN 1303
Computer Science 109: Introduction to Programming BIS 1123
Computer Science 110: Introduction to CybersecurityISC 3103
Computer Science 111: Programming in CBIS 1123
Computer Science 112: Programming in C++BIS 1123
Computer Science 113: Programming in PythonBIS 3233
Computer Science 114: Programming in R*BIS 325 & BIS 345*6*
Computer Science 115: Programming in JavaBIS 1123
Computer Science 201: Data Structures and Algorithms*BIS 325 & BIS 345*6*
Computer Science 202: Network and System SecurityITN 1443
Computer Science 203: Defensive SecurityInformation Technology Elective3
Computer Science 204: Database Programming BIS 2353
Computer Science 220: Fundamentals of Routing & SwitchingInformation Technology Elective3
Computer Science 302: System Analysis & DesignBIS 4023
Computer Science 303: Database ManagementBIS 2353
Computer Science 304: Network System DesignInformation Technology Elective3
Computer Science 305: Operating SystemsInformation Technology Elective3
Computer Science 306: Computer ArchitectureInformation Technology Elective3
Computer Science 307: Software Engineering Information Technology Elective3
Computer Science 310: Current Trends in Computer Science & ITInformation Technology Elective3
Computer Science 311: Artificial IntelligenceInformation Technology Elective3
Computer Science 331: Cybersecurity Risk Analysis Management Information Technology Elective3
Computer Science 332: Cybersecurity Policies and ManagementInformation Technology Elective3
Criminal Justice 101: Intro to Criminal JusticeCJS 1013
Criminal Justice 104: Introduction to CriminologyCJS 2253
Criminal Justice 106: Forensic ScienceCriminal Justice Studies Elective3
Criminal Justice 107: Criminal LawCJS 2043
Criminal Justice 301: White Collar CrimeCriminal Justice Studies Elective3
Criminal Justice 305: The Juvenile Justice SystemCJS 2243
Criminal Justice 306: Research Methods in Criminal JusticeCJS 2013
Criminal Justice 381: VictimologyCJS 3103
Earth Science 101: Earth ScienceScience Core3
Earth Science 104: Intro to MeteorologyScience Core3
Economics 101: Principles of MicroeconomicsECO 1023
Economics 102: MacroeconomicsECO 1013
Education 101: Foundations of EducationOpen Elective3
Education 103: Classroom ManagementOpen Elective3
Education 104: Differentiated InstructionOpen Elective3
Education 105: Special Education History & LawOpen Elective3
Education 106: Introduction to Early Childhood EducationOpen Elective3
Education 210: Technology in the ClassroomOpen Elective3
Education 211: Teaching Elementary MathOpen Elective3
English 101: English LiteratureENG 2023
English 102: American LiteratureENG 2053
English 103: Analyzing and Interpreting LiteratureEnglish Core3
English 104: College Composition IENG 1013
English 105: College Composition IIENG 1033
English 301: Non-Western Literature Humanities Elective3
English 305: Advanced Technical WritingEnglish Core3
English 310: Short StoriesHumanities Core3
Environmental Science 101: Environment and HumanitySCI 3303
Finance 101: Principles of FinanceFIN 2013
Finance 102: Personal FinanceFIN 1003
Finance 301: Corporate FinanceFIN 4013
Finance 302: International FinanceBusiness Elective3
Finance 303: Financial Institutions & MarketsFIN 4013
Finance 304: Security Analysis & Portfolio ManagementBusiness Elective3
Finance 306: Small Business FinanceBusiness Elective3
Genetics 101: Intro to GeneticsScience Core3
Geography 101: Human & Cultural GeographySocial Science Core3
Geology 101: Physical GeologyScience Core3
Geometry 101: Intro to GeometryMath Core3
Health 101: Principles of HealthGeneral Education Core3
Health 301: Ethical & Legal Issues in HealthcareHCA 2403
Health 302: Health Services PolicyHCA 1013
Health 303: Healthcare Organization & ManagementHealth Elective3
Health 305: Healthcare Finance & BudgetingHCA 3403
Health 307: Healthcare Delivery SystemsHCA 2103
Health 308: Healthcare Quality & Outcome MeasurementHIA 3103
Health 309: Healthcare InformaticsHealth Elective3
Health 310: Human Resource Management in HealthcareBusiness Elective3
History 100: Western Civilization from Prehistory to Post-WWIIHistory Core3
History 101: Western Civilization IHistory Core3
History 102: Western Civilization IIHistory Core3
History 103: US History IHIS 1053
History 104: US History IIHIS 1063
History 105: US History from Settlement to Present DayHistory Core3
History 106: The Civil War and ReconstructionHistory Core3
History 108: History of the Vietnam WarHistory Core3
History 306: The American Civil War EraHistory Core3
History 307: American Civil Rights MovementHistory Core3
History 308: Causes and Effects of the Vietnam WarHistory Core3
History 309: War & American SocietyHistory Core3
History 311: The Holocaust & World War IIHistory Core3
Hospitality 101: Introduction to HospitalityOpen Elective3
Hospitality 105: Introduction to the Tourism and Travel IndustryOpen Elective3
Hospitality 301: Hospitality MarketingOpen Elective3
Hospitality 304: Hotel & Lodging Management & OperationsOpen Elective3
Hospitality 309: Food & Beverage Service & OperationsOpen Elective3
Humanities 101: Intro to the HumanitiesHumanities Core3
Marketing 301: Marketing ResearchMKT 3013
Marketing 302: Consumer BehaviorMKT 2023
Marketing 303: Global MarketingMKT 2053
Marketing 306: Principles of SellingBusiness Elective3
Marketing 308: Applied MarketingBusiness Elective3
Math 101: College AlgebraMAT 1023
Math 102: College MathematicsMAT 1013
Math 103: PrecalculusMath Core3
Math 104: CalculusMAT 213 & MAT 2146
Math 105: Precalculus AlgebraMath Core3
Math 107: Quantitative LiteracyMath Core3
Math 108: Discrete MathematicsMath Core3
Nursing 301: Nursing InformaticsOpen Elective3
Nutrition 101: Science of NutritionScience Core3
Philosophy 101: Intro to PhilosophyHumanities Core3
Philosophy 102: Ethics in AmericaHumanities Core3
Philosophy 103: Ethics – Theory & PracticeHumanities Core3
Philosophy 301: Principles of PhilosophyHumanities Elective6
Physics 101: Introduction to PhysicsSCI 1153
Physics 111: Physics IScience Core3
Physics 112: Physics IIScience Core3
Political Science 101: Intro to Political ScienceSocial Science Core3
Political Science 102: American GovernmentPSC 1013
Political Science 103: Comparative PoliticsPSC 1033
Psychology 101: Intro to PsychologyPSY 1013
Psychology 102: Educational PsychologySocial Science Core3
Psychology 103: Human Growth and DevelopmentSocial Science Core3
Psychology 104: Social PsychologySocial Science Core3
Psychology 105: Research Methods in PsychologySocial Science Core3
Psychology 106: Abnormal PsychologyPSY 2703
Psychology 107: Life Span Developmental PsychologySocial Science Core3
Psychology 108: Psychology of Adulthood and AgingSocial Science Core3
Psychology 301: Industrial/Organizational PsychologySocial Science Core3
Psychology 302: Cognitive PsychologySocial Science Core3
Psychology 306: Advanced Abnormal PsychologySocial Science Core3
Psychology 310: Psychology of PersonalitySocial Science Core3
Psychology 311: Physiological PsychologySocial Science Core3
Psychology 312: History and Systems of PsychologySocial Science Core3
Psychology 315: Psychology of MotivationSocial Science Core3
Psychology 316: Advanced Social PsychologySocial Science Core3
Religion 101: Intro to World ReligionsHUM 1053
Science 101: Intro to Natural SciencesScience Core3
Science 102: Principles of Physical ScienceScience Core3
Social Science 108: Ethics in the Social SciencesSocial Science Core3
Sociology 101: Intro to SociologySOC 1013
Sociology 103: Foundations of GerontologySocial Science Core3
Sociology 305: Sociology of WorkSocial Science Core3
Spanish 101: Beginning SpanishGeneral Education Core3
Spanish 105: Spanish for the WorkplaceHumanities Core3
Statistics 101: Principles of StatisticsMAT 1093


*If both courses (Computer Science 114 and 201) are 
completed, they can be used to satisfy BIS 325 and BIS 345. If only
Computer Science 114 or 201 are completed, the course
completed will satisfy one IT Elective.