BS in Business Administration: Concentration in Management

The Management concentration of the BS in Business Administration program provides a basic foundation in economics and business operations that will help you as a future leader. Areas of focus for the Management concentration include organizational dynamics, effective leadership, business ethics, and strategic planning.

Both an associate degree and bachelor’s degree are available in the Business Administration, concentration in Management program. And most associate degree graduates at Peirce continue their education to complete the bachelor’s degree program, opening the door to higher-level positions and graduate education, like our master’s in Organizational Leadership & Management degree. Like all business programs at Peirce, the concentration in Management is available 100% online

Bachelor of Science Degree Curriculum - Minimum Total Credits: 121

PRCPRC 100 or PRC 101*1
BIS 111Application Software Fundamentals3
COM 112Speech Communication3
COM 312Practical Reasoning3
ECO 101Macroeconomics3
ECO 102Microeconomics3
ENG 101English Composition3
ENG 103Rhetoric and Research3
HUM 102Introduction to Ethics3
HUM/HISHumanities/History Core (choose 1)3
MAT 101Introduction to College Mathematics3
MAT 102College Algebra3
SCISCI Core (choose 2)6
GEN EDGeneral Education Core (choose 1)3
BUS 100Introduction to Business3
ACC 101Accounting Principles3
LAW 103Business Law3
MKT 101Introduction to Marketing3
ACC 201Financial Accounting3
ACC 222Managerial Accounting3
FIN 201Introduction to Finance3
MGT 210Applied Management Concepts3
MAT 109Statistics I3
HRM 201Human Resource Management3
BUS 301Global Dimensions in Business3
MGT 204Production and Operations Analysis3
MGT 306Organizational Dynamics3
MIS 302Project Management3
MGT 310Ethical Leadership3
MGT 405Strategic Management3
MKT 401Marketing Management3
FIN 401Financial Analysis3
MGT 404Operations Management3
BUS 450Policy & Strategy Formulation3
CWE 104 or ELECooperative Work Experience or Elective3
CWE 304 or ELECooperative Work Experience or Elective3
ELEElectives (choose 4)12

Emergency Student Aid

Emergency Student Aid grants are available for Peirce students. Grants can be used to pay off balances, cover tuition, buy books, and for all costs of attendance, including food, rent, childcare, and transportation. Learn more.