Get information on the cost of our graduate studies program, including tuition and fees.
Many Peirce College students rely on financial aid to help pay for their graduate tuition. The first step in applying for financial aid as a graduate student is to determine your eligibility by completing the Free Application for Federal Student Aid(FAFSA) online.
Eligibility for most financial aid is based on financial need, which is determined using a formula established by the U.S. Department of Education. The primary document the Department of Education requires is the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). When completing your FAFSA, please use Federal School Code 003309.
Please note, if you choose to borrow through the Federal Government’s loan programs, you must complete a Master Promissory Note (MPN) and loan entrance counseling at Again, be sure to include Peirce’s school code (003309), so the College receives your information electronically.
If the Student Financial Services department needs additional information once your FAFSA has been received, we will contact you by email. If you are selected for a process called verification, you will be advised as to what documentation will be needed.
Typically, when entering a new FAFSA filing year Peirce College will notify students of any required documents around late March of that year.
Once your FAFSA has been reviewed and it has been determined that additional information is not required, you will receive an email about your financial aid available provided you have pre-registered for courses in the upcoming semesters.
If you have financial and/or academic holds on your account this may prevent the Student Financial Services department from determining your eligibility.
Once you enroll at Peirce, you will gain access to our student portal. Included in the portal is PCFAST, the Peirce College Financial Aid Systems tool. This tool provides students with information about their financial aid awards and required documents along with ways to learn more about being a responsible borrower.
1608 Walnut Street, Suite 1900
Philadelphia, PA 19103