Straighterline Courses Can Help Lower Your Tuition

Peirce College has evaluated several Straighterline courses for credit and aligned those courses with the College’s undergraduate degree programs.

You can take select low-cost, online courses from Straighterline, apply those courses to your degree at Peirce and save thousands on tuition and books. This can also accelerate your pace to finishing your associate or bachelor’s degree. 

If you are thinking about enrolling at Peirce, contact our Admissions team to see what Straighterline courses can fit into your degree plan. We can review your transfer credits and map out your personalized pathway to degree completion. 

See below for our current Straighterline course equivalencies.

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Straighterline Course

Peirce Equivalency



Business & IT



Accounting I

ACC 101 Accounting Principles


Accounting IIBusiness Elective3
Managerial Accounting ACC 222 Managerial Accounting 3
Financial Accounting ACC 201 Financial Accounting 3

Introduction to Business 

BUS 100 Introduction to Business


Business Communication

Communications Core 


Principles of Management

MGT 210 Applied Management Concepts


Business Law 

LAW 103 Business Law


Personal FinanceFIN 100 Introduction to Personal Finance3
Project Management MIS 302 Project Management 3
Business EthicsMGT 310 Ethical Leadership3
Organizational BehaviorMGT 306 Organizational Dynamics2
Introduction to Programming in C++BIS 112 Programming Concepts3
Introduction to Information TechnologyIT elective3


English & Communications



English Composition I

ENG 101 English Composition


English Composition II

English Core 


Introduction to Communications 

Communications Core 



Humanities & History 



Cultural Anthropology

General Education Elective


American Government 

PSC 101 Introduction to American Government 


Western Civilization I

Humanities/History Core


Western Civilization IIHumanities/History Core 3
US History IHIS 105 US History I3
US History IIHumanities/History Core 3
Spanish IGeneral Education Elective3
Spanish IIGeneral Education Elective3
Introduction to ReligionHUM 105 World Religions3


Social Sciences & Sociology




ECO 102 Microeconomics


Introduction to PsychologyPSY 101 Introduction to Psychology3

Introduction to Sociology

SOC 101 General Sociology



Science, Health & Mathematics



Introductory Biology

SCI 105 Exploring the Science of Life 


Anatomy & Physiology I w/ LabSCI 240 Anatomy & Physiology I3
Anatomy & Physiology II w/ LabSCI 250 Anatomy & Physiology II3
Microbiology w/ LabScience Core 3
Introduction to Environmental Science Science Core 3
General Chemistry w/ LabScience Core 3
General PhysicsSCI 115 General Physics3
First Aid/CPRElective3
Medical TerminologyHIT 100 Medical Terminology3
Introduction to NutritionScience Core 3
Personal Fitness & WellnessElective3

Business Statistics

MAT 109 Statistics I


College Algebra

MAT 102 College Algebra