Tips for Moving Up in Your Organization

If you are eager to grow your career, but you would like to stay with your current employer, then you are seeking a very unique and particular kind of opportunity.

No fear; there are ways to achieve this opportunity with success!

The first step is to make it known to your employer that you are interested in not only growing your career, but taking on more responsibility and adding more value to the company.

You’ll want to understand what is happening within the organization and connect with people in the department you are interested in working with, especially if you are ready to shift to a department you have not worked in previously.

So, volunteer for those projects that involve people from across the organization and for high visibility projects that senior leadership really care about. This will allow others to get to know you and prove your investment in professionally growing and developing into certain opportunities, so when they become available you will be at the top of the list.

If you simply just send your application into the cloud, it may not allow for a connection. By knowing the supervisor in your area of interest, it will assist in landing you the position you want.

The second step is to understand that is saves an employer money to promote from within. It can cost nearly $5,000 to hire a new employee due to the posting of the position, interviewing, going through hundreds of applications, etc. It is typically easier and less expensive to hire from within.

So if you are already part of an organization’s culture, you are going to be able to dive into your position and really get it right a lot sooner than someone coming from the outside.

Learn More from Peirce’s Career Counselors

When you become a student at Peirce College, you have access all of the services offered through the Center for Career and Professional Development at Peirce College for the rest of your career – even after you graduate. Check out the Center for Career and Professional Development page for more career advice.

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