So you’re ready for a raise, are you?
The first thing to remember is that most people are not going to pay you more for doing the same work.
Going in cold and saying, “Boss, I need a raise”
is a big mistake.
If you want to make more, you must bring something more to the table. And the first place to start is to ask your supervisor for feedback.
Sit down with this person. You are not going to
negotiate your salary in that first meeting, but you are going to say:
- What do I need to work on?
- What do I need to do to really get to the next level?
- How do you see me being able to grow?
Once you get this feedback and understand it, you have a road map of what you need to do. So, go and do it. Successful execution of that road map are the things that will move you forward.
Make sure you are investing in yourself in
a way that makes sense for the company.
Once you have, you are probably ready to meet with your supervisor again and say, "I’ve been able to take on additional work. I’m now supervising two extra people. I’ve
been working on this cross-departmental project. I think I’m ready for a raise."
The other common mistake many people make is asking for a raise because they have personal and/or financial reasons for wanting a raise, which
are not connected to the business or organization they work for. This could include having a new child, moving into a new house, or taking care of an aging parent.
Now, your boss might love you, but – in most cases with
most employers – none of those reasons justify getting a raise. People sometimes lose sight of the idea that the job is a business arrangement.
If you are making the case for earning more money you need to make your case
in a way that makes sense for the business.
When you become a student at Peirce College, you have access personalized career counseling through our Center for Career and Professional Development. Get more career tips.