Class of 2018 Bachelor of
Science in Health Information Administration
Stephanie Sheeley is a mother of two, a working adult and a college graduate who found Peirce’s College’s Health Information Administration (HIA) degree to be the program for her.
Stephanie enrolled in the HIA program after life threw her a twist and she found herself needing to return to the workforce full time. Stephanie realized what many working adult learners do: if you want the career you deserve, you need a degree.
For Stephanie, returning to the workforce full-time, “was a wake-up call because it made me realize what a disadvantage it was not to have a college degree. I was able to find a job, but it was well below what I needed to earn as a single mom. I knew I deserved better and was capable of so much more.”
Stephanie looked into accelerated Health Information programs for adult students and quickly came across Peirce College. She said, “Once I made the decision to return to school in this area, it was almost as if Peirce found me, which demonstrates that making the commitment to accomplish a goal starts to open doors that we may not have ever known were in front of us.”
Once Stephanie found Peirce, she was immediately pulled in by the flexibility. “I had been to a few information sessions at other area colleges that offered accelerated degrees, but none of them offered a degree that fit my experience and interests,” explained Stephanie.
When looking closer at Peirce’s Health Information Administration, she discovered it would be the best fit for her for three main reasons: “First, I was already working in the healthcare field. Second, I enjoy the complexity and diversity of what it takes to provide care for patients behind the scenes. Third, it is a career path with a strong job growth rate and potential to work in a variety of roles.”
Currently, Stephanie works as an HIM Operations Analyst at UHS, Inc. She had been working in a psychiatric hospital prior to her current role, but was eager to move up. Once she began at Peirce and started to obtain the required education, she was able to advance to her new position. “I am excited to say that my experience and my education through Peirce helped me to successfully land that job. I hope to continue to grow in my career and advance within the company.”
Stephanie successfully earned her Bachelor of Science in Health Information Administration in June 2018. Stephanie said she got the most out of her experience with Peirce and wants to be sure you do the same. For all those working adults out there considering going back to school, Stephanie has some advice.
“It may seem like a lot of work, but it is easier, in many ways, to make the sacrifices necessary to earn a degree as an adult. Once you set a vision for yourself, your mind will find ways to make it a reality,” says Stephanie. “I think many adult students are afraid to go back to school because they fear they are not smart enough, but the truth is, they only need to be willing to put forth the effort. My experience at Peirce has taught me that my effort is matched by faculty that have encouraged and supported my path to graduation.
1608 Walnut Street, Suite 1900
Philadelphia, PA 19103