Portfolio Assessment 101

Portfolio assessment involves the development of a portfolio that contains evidence documenting that you possess college-level knowledge that is equivalent to what you would have learned in a course.

If you have earned credit for college-level composition writing and are comfortable with composition-style research and writing, portfolio assessment may be a good option for you.

At Peirce College, you would work with a faculty member or college-designated subject matter expert to develop a portfolio – a written document that contains a narrative and evidence.

  • The narrative addresses learning outcomes that are part of the equivalent course, and answers how, where, when and why you gained your knowledge and how you have applied this knowledge in your career or life.
  • The evidence provides support for the claims you make in the narrative and proves that you possess the knowledge, and can include performance reviews, samples of your, letters of commendation or certificates related to your knowledge and curriculum of training you have completed.

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If you see a Peirce College course in your degree program that you think you already know, ask your advisor to connect you with appropriate faculty member to discuss portfolio assessment.