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Looking for More Information About Peirce College?

Located in the heart of Philadelphia, PA, Peirce College is the college for adult learners. That’s because we’ve been serving the needs of adult learners not just for a few years or even for just a few decades – but for over 150 years since our founding in 1865.

Of course, all learners are curious to know more about a school’s faculty, accreditation, course schedules and more before enrolling. We encourage you to follow the links below to learn more about these Peirce College resources.

Attending college while working and juggling other adult responsibilities like family can be a challenge, but at Peirce, we make sure it’s one you’re ready to meet head on and overcome. Peirce’s innovative ways to learn and customized support services help adult learners achieve their degrees.
Every college or university is only as good as the faculty teaching its students. At Peirce College, we’re proud of our diverse faculty members who have deep levels of experience working in their fields and produce career-oriented curricula to help you prepare for the career you deserve.
If you’re looking to plan ahead, then you’ve already got the right mindset to succeed. View Peirce’s academic calendars to see the important dates for our six academic sessions in both our undergraduate and graduate degrees. You’ll also find links to our college catalogs here.
Peirce’s college catalogs have comprehensive college information regarding individual academic programs and courses as well as general details about the College. Whether you know exactly what program is right for you or are deciding between several, you’ll find the info you need here.
Peirce offers courses in Business, Information Technology, Legal Studies, Healthcare and General Studies. Our course schedules list all of the courses in each program, when they start, when they end, other key dates and additional information such as prerequisites where applicable.

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Undergraduate Degree Success Story

Masters degree program success story


Health Information Admin

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