Happy Constitution Day

Happy Constitution Day
In September 1787, our nation’s founders signed the most influential document in American history, the U.S. Constitution. At Peirce College, we are lucky to be surrounded by so much history right here in Philadelphia where the Constitution was signed. On Sunday, in celebration of Constitution Day, we honor those who developed this document and ideology and celebrate where it has led us to today.
In honor of Constitution Day, the National Constitution Center is opening their newest gallery, The First Amendment, to offer a fresh perspective on the history of the First Amendment and how it impacts us today. The Center also has a series of programs and events highlighting the history and meaning of the amendment.
The Center’s annual Constitution Day celebration takes place on Monday, September 18, from 9:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. with FREE admission courtesy of PECO. (Admission to the museum is also FREE on Sunday, September 17, in honor of the 236th anniversary of the signing of the Constitution.) Click here for more information. The Constitution Center in Philadelphia is located at 525 Arch Street.
The Walker Center for Academic Excellence invites you to learn more about Constitution Day through the resources below:
– Watch a video that explains an overview of the Constitution and the story of the Constitutional Convention
– Quiz yourself and test how much you know about the delegates at the Constitutional Convention.
– Learn more and read Benjamin Franklin’s Closing Speech at the Constitutional Convention, now available on our
– Founders Library. Visit the National Constitution Center from anywhere with this special virtual tour of our iconic Signers’ Hall exhibit.
You can learn more on the Walker Center’s LibGuide Page, by clicking on the Events tab: peirce.libguides.com/walkercenter.
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