No Roadblock Can Stop Daron Coney From Chasing His Dream

No Roadblock Can Stop Daron Coney From Chasing His Dream
Through personal determination and perseverance, Daron Coney is on his way to finishing his bachelor’s degree in Organizational Leadership from Peirce College.
Right out of high school, Daron enrolled in a different college eager to continue his education. After the school shut down out of nowhere leaving him with nothing but a bad taste in his mouth for education, Daron entered into the workforce and moved college to the back of his mind.
After shifting from job to job for a few years, Daron decided it was finally time to return to school to earn the degree he always wanted. “Since I was a teenager, I knew I wanted a four-year degree,” said Daron. “It was always a goal of mine, but I had a bitter taste toward education for a while. After being in and out of jobs for some time, I decided a degree would be what I needed to land a career and accomplish my dream.”
As the first in his family to go to college, Daron had to do some personal research online to discover where his journey would take him next. He found Peirce College, and after speaking with Blake Scull, his Enrollment Specialist, about Peirce’s dedication to working adults, he knew this was where he wanted to be.
In 2015, Daron officially enrolled at Peirce and started focusing on his business-aspirations. “I have always associated myself with the business side of a job. My mom works in a business setting and it inspired me to go into that field as well. I have always seen myself on the path to management and I knew Peirce would get me there,” explained Daron.
Right as Daron was starting to see the end of his degree journey approaching, he ran into an issue not uncommon to many students. Daron said, “I was told with only a few classes left that my financial aid funds were just about out and I wouldn’t have enough to finish.”
This hardship did not stop Daron, though. Instead, he took matters into his own hands, and he reached out to Dr. Shannon Begley, Dean of Academic Advising & Registrar at Peirce College to ask what he could do to reach his goal. Together, with the help of the Director of Student Financial Services, Ruthann Wyatt, they came up with a plan to get Daron to the finish line.
“Meeting with Dr. Begley and Ms. Wyatt was so refreshing. They did everything they could to help me figure out how to finish my degree,” said Daron.
Through recommended scholarships, courses, and other financial options, Daron now has a plan in place to get him to where he has always dreamed of being – graduation.
As Daron focuses on finishing up his final classes, he wanted to offer some advice to others who may be considering going back to school, “Develop a strong work-life balance. With life being as hard as it is, adding school in may seem impossible, but it doesn’t have to be. When you take time for yourself and prioritize, you can fit everything in. Keep your end goal in mind and create a plan to get there. You can do it!”
Congratulations to Daron on all of his successes so far and good luck as he continues to chase his dream of earning his bachelor’s degree.
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