How Do I Get Started With PLA?

Earning credit for what you already know starts with your academic evaluation, which is the first opportunity for you to earn credit via prior learning assessment (PLA).

An academic evaluation is a review of your prior learning and educational and work experiences. This includes:

  • transfer credits you’ve earned from other regionally accredited colleges and universities
  • scores from exams you have taken, including AP, CLEP® and DSST® exams, foreign language exams and other credit-by-exam programs
  • online courses offered by, and other alternate providers
  • professional and military training you have completed, including on-the-job training
  • professional licenses, certifications or other credentials you possess
  • your professional work history and your hobbies and interests

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Training and credentials must be evaluated by American Council on Education’s College Credit Recommendation Service (ACE CREDIT) or by Peirce College.

At Peirce College, common transfer credits earned through this process include military training, law enforcement training, healthcare and IT certifications, business training and credentials, credit-by-exam scores and online courses.

Once your academic evaluation is completed, we will show you how your transfer credits, including credits awarded for your prior learning and training, apply to your new degree at Peirce College.

We will also show you what credits you still need to complete your degree. Those credits typically fall into two categories:

  • Subjects You Do Not Know and will likely need a course to fulfill.
  • Subjects You Know and may be able to earn through credit-by-exam or portfolio assessment.

For the degree requirements that fall into the “Subjects You Do Not Know” category, your academic advisor will recommend courses you can take to complete your degree requirements, including required Peirce College courses.

For the degree requirements that fall into the “Subjects You Know” category, your advisor may be able to recommend credit-by-exams or portfolio assessment.

To get started at Peirce, simply submit an application for admission and send us your transcripts and prior training.