Peirce’s full-time business faculty members teach courses in our associate and bachelor’s level Business Administration Degree programs, including concentrations in Management and Entrepreneurship/Small Business Management. Their expertise lies not just in theoretical classroom lessons, but also in real-world business applications, enabling them to prepare you for the career you deserve.
The introductory courses they teach will focus your studies on the role of the American business system from global, political, and economic perspectives. All Business students will learn basic and practical accounting, financial accounting, microeconomics, financing, business law, and marketing lessons. Our faculty will also introduce you to e-commerce concepts, which explore commerce in the contemporary internet-based business world. They explore topics such as business strategies, payment systems, e-marketing, e-fulfillment, security, ethics, and legal issues specific to doing business online. Our professors make extensive use of the internet to link these core concepts to real-life applications so our students aren’t just knowledgeable — they’re prepared for a career.
Faculty will also impart in you knowledge about how to properly research professional business practices. This research is necessary for business managers to make informed, responsible decisions. Through faculty guidance, you’ll sharpen your critical thinking skills and apply quantitative and qualitative problem solving methods and examine management theories and actual functions: leadership, decision making, organizations as systems, and organizational structure and design.
1608 Walnut Street, Suite 1900
Philadelphia, PA 19103