A non-traditional approach for non-traditional students
A non-traditional approach for non-traditional students
In education, adult learners are known as non-traditional students. A non-traditional student is one who is beginning or completing his college education when his adult life, a life filled with the responsibilities of family and work, has already begun.
Adult learners need support from people who understand the difficulties that come with juggling education and the stresses of everyday life. A non-traditional student needs a non-traditional way to get ahead in life. We know this because that’s what we do every day at Peirce.
As case in point we have Grace Derr, who is on pace to graduate at the end of August 2011 with a degree in information technology. She just sent a beautiful letter that’s making the rounds here and making us all feel good about our non-traditional approach to non-traditional students.
We asked Grace if we could share her letter with you because nothing could say it better than she did. Here it is, just as it appeared in my inbox.*
Dear Dr.Toliver,
I cannot tell you how appreciative I am to have been a student at Peirce College. This was a great beginning on this journey of self improvement and self discovery. I am so very grateful for all of the assistance and the most important aspect the opportunities I have had at Peirce. The QUALITY of the instructors and programs are absolutely 100 percent TOP NOTCH! The supporting departments like financial aid and Jazmine Lewis are professional, personable, and always willing to give 110 percent for the students. The advising department is just as professional as demonstrated by Bernard O’Kite and it is surprising that Peirce has maintained this quality of personnel throughout my time attending. Shannon Begley is a consummate professional and has a human flair that she brings to her position. Her passion and the passion of all the people at Peirce has helped me to recommend Peirce to other people. I will miss everyone and wish all well in the future.
Grace M. Derr
Thank YOU, Grace for your kind words. We’re so proud to work with such inspiring faculty and staff, and to be able to support our students with such high-caliber professionals and educators as you pursue your degree. Students like you are why we do what we do — you make it all worthwhile. Best of luck in your future endeavors, and remember, you always have a home here at Peirce. Welcome to the alumni network!
*Student letter edited for typos and spelling only.
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1 thought on “A non-traditional approach for non-traditional students”
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As a former nontraditional student who graduated with a degree in Computer Information Systems, I can certainly agree with the letter you shared.
It was a great adventure and one I would take on again!