Strengthen your academic success with spring workshops from the Walker Center

Strengthen your academic success with spring workshops from the Walker Center

Session 4 is now under way and that means we have a brand-new schedule of workshops from the Walker Center to help prepare you for academic and personal success.

Our Session 4 schedule includes academic workshops that focus on math and writing skills, as well as tax preparation and legal citations. There are also technology workshops so you can brush up on computer basics and learn how to use Microsoft Office 2010 in the workplace. We’ve also created a great selection of personal development workshops, which will help you keep stress at bay, manage your time, and live a healthy lifestyle.

If you’re not able to make it to campus, we’re also offering three workshops online through Adobe Connect. To register for any of the workshops listed below, contact the Walker Center at 888.467.3472, ext. 9251, or email We look forward to seeing you at these workshops this spring!

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