Students! Get real-world job experience by interning through Philly StartUp Scholars

Students! Get real-world job experience by interning through Philly StartUp Scholars

INTERN: Get hands-on experience at a Philadelphia start-up
company this summer

Interning at a start-up company can give you the opportunity to get hands-on experience, collaborate with others, and contribute to building an organization from the ground up. One opportunity to do just this is right here in our own backyard this summer: Philly StartUp Scholars, created by Ben Franklin Technology Partners of Southeastern Pennsylvania (BFTP/SEP) and Campus Philly.

The purpose of Philly StartUp Scholars is to offer college students paid internships at growing Philadelphia technology companies in BFTP’s portfolio this summer. Subject areas will include science, technology, engineering, mathematics, investment, marketing, computer and life sciences, and social media/communication. Applicants who are chosen will work within these start-ups to gain experience and network with their colleagues for future job opportunities.

You’re eligible to apply for one of these internships if you’re a current student at Peirce, or one of Campus Philly’s partner colleges and universities. Stipends of $4,500 per student will be offered to nine students selected to participate. Internships will be full-time, start in June, and run for 10 weeks.

Visit Campus Philly’s website to read more about the program and company internship opportunities, as well as to apply. And remember, Campus Philly also offers job and internship opportunities year-round, so visit its Careers page for additional postings.

Are you planning to secure an internship this summer? What would your dream internship be?

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