Paralegal Studies: Human Resource Panel Recap

Paralegal Studies: Human Resource Panel Recap

On October 9th, Career Development Services hosted a Human Resource Panel for Paralegal Studies. The panel gave students insights about what recruiters are looking for and how to best prepare themselves to find employment in the paralegal field. It was moderated by Peirce Legal Studies Professor, Glenn Barnes and featured a variety of experts from the paralegal field including:
  • Linda F. Barron, Esq., Director of Paralegal Services, Administrative Director, Marshall Dennehey Warner Coleman & Goggin
  • Diane Canning, Director of Paralegals, Blank Rome LLP
  • Joyce Feinstein, Senior Legal Recruiter, Albeson Legal Search
  • Eric Matusewitch, PHR, CAAP, Employment Law Lecturer and Writer,
  • Temple Careers Adjunct- in Equal Employment Opportunity for Paralegals
  • Michelle Rick, Paralegal Coordinator, BakerHostetler LLP
  • Frank Welsh, Founder, Frankly Legal

The panel covered a variety of topics from resume preparation to specific things students could do to build an effective network with others in the field.

Among the key takeaways from the event were:
  1. Active membership in professional organizations. Membership and active participation in professional associations, such as the Philadelphia Association of Paralegals, help the prospective employer see the applicant’s engagement with the profession, and help make a resume and cover letter stand out.
  2. Demonstrating professional writing skills. Showcasing your professional writing skills in every communication with a prospective employer – from resume and cover letter to the final thank you email – is vital.  Slipshod grammar or careless misspellings often result in an automatic rejection of the applicant.
  3. Thoroughly researching the prospective employer. This research can take place online along with other methods so that (1) the cover letter and resume are smartly customized to fit the needs and characteristics of the prospective employer; and (2) the applicant can ask intelligent questions of the interviewer during the course of the interview.

A special thanks to everyone who attended and the panelists who made this such an insightful event!

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