From Manor College to Peirce College – Myasia Is Chasing Her Paralegal Dream
From Manor College to Peirce College – Myasia Is Chasing Her Paralegal Dream
At the youthful age of 21, Myasia Williams might not be as “experienced” as many Peirce College students, but, like most students, she still carries with her many responsibilities outside of the classroom. Some might think that working full-time as a Paralegal as well as being an active member of a large family might make it impossible to be a full-time college student, but to Myasia, it’s all in a day’s work.
Myasia didn’t begin college immediately after her high school graduation. Instead, she needed to work for a year just to save money to be able to afford tuition. “We didn’t have much money when I was growing up, so going right to college wasn’t an option. I had to work to save money to be able to afford my first year,” she says.
While she was considering what she wanted to study, one thing that stuck out to Myasia was her love to argue and debate, and as she says, oftentimes coming out on the winning end of those debates. She started to look into Legal Studies and Paralegal Studies programs, and found a home at Manor College in Jenkintown, just north of Philadelphia.
Myasia loved Manor College for its small school environment, quality of education and for its wonderful Paralegal faculty. Specifically, she mentioned Mary Sims, Manor College’s Director of Legal Studies programs. “She was my advisor, I had her for a few classes, and she helped me get my job after I graduated. I can’t say how much I appreciate Mary.”
The job she mentioned, which is where she works to this day, is as a Paralegal at Sabatina and Associates in Northeast Philadelphia, where she works on Family and Estate Law cases. Working full-time is a hard thing for most students to do while they attend school, but Myasia can’t imagine it any other way. “It’s all about time management. You have to know what’s important to you and how to prioritize.”
Though she did find full-time employment immediately following her graduation from Manor College, Myasia always knew she wanted to pursue her bachelor’s degree. So after graduating from Manor in May of 2017, she started the Paralegal Studies bachelor’s degree program at Peirce in September. “I actually heard about Peirce from Mary Sims! She told me it would be a great fit for me since I liked the small-school feel. She also told me about scholarship opportunities, and that all my credits would transfer. It’s been great because there hasn’t been much of an adjustment.”
Incredibly, Myasia attends most of her classes here on campus even though she does work from 9 to 5 Monday through Friday. “It’s tight most days, but I always do my best to come in for class. I really like the in-person element, but it’s also great to be able to log-in to class online if I can’t make it into the city after work.”
When she’s not working at Sabatina and Associates, spending time with her family, or at Peirce College in the evening for class, Myasia loves to exercise, cook and eat, and explore Philadelphia. She wishes she had more free time, but she knows that a bright future (with more leisure time) awaits her after she completes not only her bachelor’s degree, but her master’s degree as well! Peirce College salutes Manor College on providing a fantastic educational foundation for Myasia, and wishes her the best of luck in all of her future endeavors!
If you or someone you know is looking to transfer to Peirce College, please contact me, Tom Tschop, Manager, Institutional Partnerships, at 215.670.9203 or
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