
Peirce College Admissions Events

We host a variety of live, virtual and in-person events as well as an On-Demand Open House.


Watch our On-Demand Undergraduate Open House Right Now.


Undergraduate: Join us for an Virtual Open House to learn how Peirce can help you navigate earning your degree as an online student while balancing your personal and professional responsibilities. Get to know all about Peirce’s flexible, affordable degree completion pathways, the easiest way to send us your transfer credits, how to earn credit for what you already know, how to leverage career services, and more. Graduate: What can a master’s degree do for you? Join our next Virtual Graduate Open House to learn how a Peirce graduate program can help you advance your career and increase your salary. You will be able to speak directly with Peirce faculty members and graduate studies alumni. Career Bridge: Career Bridge is an innovative program that prepares students with the skills, certifications, and credentials needed for jobs that pay family-sustaining wages, and guides them to those jobs in less than a year. Apply for free and see how you may be able to complete the program at little-to-no cost.
  • Check back soon for our next events
Contact LaKeesha at or 215.670.9388 to get started today.


Financing your college education can be confusing, but we’re here to help. Peirce College’s  Student Financial Services is hosting a monthly online information sessions providing detailed information on how to successfully complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid  (FAFSA) and review the types of financial aid available. Join Ruthann Wyatt, Peirce’s Director of Student Financial Services, and William Kelley, Peirce’s Financial Aid Specialist, to get your questions answered directly. You will also learn about upcoming deadlines for scholarships, grants and more. Private break-out rooms will be available for any private one-on-one account review. Have a question that needs to be answered right away? Contact Student Financial Services at or 215.670.9600.


If you already know what program you are looking for, or you want to hear more from a specific division, join us for a faculty-led information online session with each Academic Division at Peirce. Learn about the different programs, what kind of job outlooks are available in their respective industries, and get to ask faculty members all of your questions. Admissions representatives will also be on-hand to answer any admissions related questions.
  • Check back soon for next events


Undergraduate: Virtually connect one-on one with an Undergraduate Admissions Advisor, receive an admissions decision, and get registered on the spot. Complete an online application and submit your previous college transcripts or high school diploma/GED to qualify for an instant admissions decision.
  • Check back soon for our next events
Graduate: Our Graduate Admissions Advisors will be on hand to connect one-to-one and render an instant admissions decision. Participants will need to complete an online application and submit your previous college transcripts and personal statement to qualify for an instant admissions decision. Please email all documents in advance to


Join us for lunch to grab some tasty food and to learn more about Peirce College and our degree offerings. Our Admissions Counselors will be on hand to share how Peirce can help you navigate earning your degree as an online student. Chat with them one-on-one about Peirce’s flexible, affordable degree completion pathways, the easiest way to send us your transfer credits, how to earn credit for what you already know, and more. Space is limited. For Corporate event RSVPs, please contact Dr. Stephanie Gibbs-Emenaka for more information.
  • Corporate Partner Dinner, January 16, 2025, 5:30 pm – 7 pm
  • Corporate Partner Virtual Event, February 26, 2025, 6 pm – 7 pm
  • Corporate Partner Dinner, April 17, 2025, 5:30 – 7 pm
  • Graduation Luncheon for Class of 2025, May 6, 2025, 12 pm – 2 pm