Open Electives |
60 |
Academic Tracks – Select One Option Below |
18 |
Leadership Track (18 credits) |
BUS 100 MGT 114 MGT 119 MGT 210 MGT 306 MGT 310 |
Introduction to Business Essentials of Customer Service Emotional Intelligence in the Workplace Applied Management Concepts Organizational Dynamics Ethical Leadership |
3 3 3 3 3 3 |
Management Track (18 credits) |
BUS 100 HRM 201 MGT 210 MGT 306 MGT 405 ACC 105 |
Introduction to Business Introduction to HR Management Applied Management Concepts Organizational Dynamics Strategic Management Fundamentals of Accounting |
3 3 3 3 3 3 |
Quality Service Management Track (18 credits) |
COM 202 MGT 114 MGT 126 MGT 119 MGT 130 MGT 132 |
Intercultural Communications Essentials of Customer Service Organizations and People Emotional Intelligence in the Workplace Introduction to Supervision and Management Process Management |
3 3 3 3 3 3 |
Cybersecurity Track (18 credits) |
ITN 144 ISC 310 ISC 325 ISC 410 ISC 425 ITN 405 |
Introduction to Network Security Information, Security and Risk Assessment Access Control, Security Assessment and Security in Software Asset Security and Security Engineering Network Security and Security Engineering Ethical Hacking |
3 3 3 3 3 3 |
Criminal Justice Track (18 credits) |
CJS 101 CJS 104 CJS 107 CJS 207 CJS 213 CJS 224 |
Introduction to Criminal Justice The Criminal Court System Criminology Ethics in Criminal Justice The Correctional System Juvenile Justice |
3 3 3 3 3 3 |