TD Bank and Peirce Corporate Partnership

Since 1865, Peirce College has helped working adults return to school and complete their education in a personalized, supportive environment. With flexible course formats, students can study online, on campus, or switch between the two every week as their needs fluctuate. Generous transfer credits policies, credit for prior learning, portfolio assessment, and alternative credit providers allow students to complete their degree as affordably as possible and speed up time to completion. And our accelerated courses run just eight weeks, helping motivated students earn credits quickly and finish their degrees faster.

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Corporate Partnership Tuition Discount

Thanks to the partnership between TD Bank and Peirce College, TD Bank employees are eligible for a tuition discount.

To receive your Peirce College corporate discount, simply complete a Peirce College application and select your employer when asked how you heard about Peirce. A Peirce admissions representative will then be in touch to guide you through the next steps. To see a full list of benefits Peirce offers through our corporate partnership with TD Bank, click here. We’ll also waive your $50 undergraduate application fee.

About TD Bank

Like Peirce, TD Bank has been providing customers with convenience and customer service for more than 150 years. TD Bank, America’s Most Convenient Bank, is one of the 10 largest banks in the U.S. and now has more than 1250 locations from Maine to Florida, with more than 27,000 employees.