HR Management

Students who complete the HR Management track earn 19 stackable credits, including an undergraduate certificate in HR Management, which applies directly to undergraduate degree programs at Peirce College.

This track prepares students with a solid foundation in human resources and is ideal for those transitioning careers, striving for promotion or seeking to enter the field. In addition, graduates will be able to:

  • Assess core human resource management policies, procedures, and processes.
  • Evaluate statutory and legal requirements when administering human resource management policies and procedures.
  • Demonstrate competency in core human resource and organizational behavior concepts.

Peirce counselors will connect graduates with employment opportunities in the region and help them apply for jobs, prepare for interviews and leverage the College’s alumni network.

You Can Do This!

We're Here to Help

Contact Us Today:

Call Us: 215.670.9279

Explore your career via our Career Bridge Portal, where you can see the credentials and skills required for in-demand jobs, find current job opportunities in our region, and see how any transfer credits you have apply to Peirce College programs.

Applying to Career Bridge is free. 

APPLY to CAREER BRIDGE to take the next step.

Courses and Certifications



PLA option

PRC 101 Peirce Orientation



HRM 201 Intro to HR Management 



HRM 306 Managing Employment Law 



HRM 310 Training Development and Design



HRM 350 Human Capital Management 



HRM 395 Total Rewards 



MGT 126 Organizations and People 3PLA option


19 credits


Why HR Management?

Median Salary: $33.31 per hour (or approximately $69,000 per year)
Regional Job Growth: projected 5.9% increase

Examples of lower wage jobs that may have a skills match:

  • Hospitality workers
  • Retail sales workers
  • Telemarketers

Source: Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia Occupational Mobility Explorer

To get started, APPLY to CAREER BRIDGE. 

Questions about corporate partnerships:
Contact Dr. Stephanie Gibbs-Emenaka at or 215.670.9279.

Questions from individual learners: 
Contact LaKeesha Johnson at or 215.670.9388.