The 1865 Law Journal, Volume 3 Is Now Published

The 1865 Law Journal, Volume 3 Is Now Published

Peirce College is proud to announce that The 1865: Peirce College Law Journal, Volume 3, Edition 1 is now published.

The 1865 is a student-run, double-blind peer-review law journal, providing a forum for original articles written by attorneys, paralegals, legal professionals, legal scholars, professors, and law enforcement. The journal addresses issues, trends, and compelling topics in the legal field as well as specific topics in the paralegal profession. 

In 1985, Peirce established a paralegal studies degree program and started one of the first paralegal programs in the region. Once approved by the American Bar Association (ABA), the Paralegal degree program quickly became one of Peirce’s most popular and remains the Greater Philadelphia Region’s ONLY ABA-approved bachelor’s degree in Paralegal Studies. 

The articles included in the third edition of The 1865: Peirce College Law Journal are:

  • Navigating Doxing Laws in the Internet Age: A Case Study on the Application and Challenges of Civil Liability for Doxing – Ryan Plummer
  • Precedent or Anomaly? The Involuntary Manslaughter Convictions of the Parents of a School Shooter – Jeffrey Doms
  • The History and Evolution of Insanity as a Defense in Criminal Law – Elizabeth M. Vinciquerra
  • Son of Sam Laws: Should they apply to victims of abuse who kill? – Melody Infantolino

Congratulations to all of this year’s journal editors, contributors, and advisors!

We are currently accepting written submissions from students, alumni, attorneys, paralegals, legal professionals, legal scholars, professors, and law enforcement. Submissions should be 1,000-6,000 words with properly cited sources. 

Please review the full guidelines for Journal submissions. Submit articles as Microsoft Word documents to

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