Introducing Peirce College’s Career Bridge 3.0 

Introducing Peirce College’s Career Bridge 3.0 

Since 2021, Peirce has facilitated an innovative program, Career Bridge, that prepares students with the skills, certifications and credentials needed for jobs that pay family-sustaining wages, and guides graduates to those job opportunities. It’s like a GPS for navigating career change.

Recently, the College launched Career Bridge 3.0, which expands eligibility requirements so more students have access to the Career Bridge program. Through scholarships and new tuition discounts, students have a low-cost pathway to come back to college and prepare for professional advancement or career change. 

Tuition for certificates in the Career Bridge program is now $350 per credit, which is more than 40% less than Peirce’s regular undergraduate tuition. Scholarships are also now available to more students. The program can be completed in as little as six-to-nine months and all the credits earned stack directly to our degree programs.

Our current career tracks include: 

Career Bridge students receive career-integrated advising and counseling throughout the program. We also connect graduates with employment opportunities in the region; provide assistance with job applications and interview prep; and provide introductions to leverage the Peirce College alumni network.

Visit our Career Bridge Portal to:

– see the credentials, certifications and skills you need for in-demand jobs

– see how your transfer credits apply to degree programs and certificates at Peirce

– find current job opportunities in our region

Apply today!

If you have any questions about Career Bridge, or want to speak with someone about getting started, contact LaKeesha Johnson at or 215.670.9388.

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