Program Spotlight: Certificate In Diversity, Equity, Inclusion And Belonging

Program Spotlight: Certificate In Diversity, Equity, Inclusion And Belonging
At Peirce College, we understand the importance of building an inclusive workplace to drive sustainable growth and innovation. Through the Diversity, Equity, Inclusion And Belonging (DEIB) program at Peirce, you will gain the knowledge to add to your professional skill set.
Our Certificate of Proficiency in Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Belonging (DEIB) is an ideal credential that adds DEIB to your professional skill set. The certificate equips students with a well-rounded recognition of the historical and modern-day impact diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging have on society and the workplace.
According to a study by McKinsey, executive teams with higher gender diversity were 25% more likely to earn higher profits.
DEIB efforts can help organizations ensure that every employee feels valued and has an equal opportunity to do their best work.Many employers have reported that their DEIB efforts helped make their organizations more successful and improved both job retention and talent recruitment.
And with the possibility of embedding an industry recognized credential into your coursework, you’ll have even more to add to your resume.
Peirce’s Diversity, Equity, Inclusion And Belonging certificate program is offered entirely online and is completely stackable into undergraduate degree programs, including Liberal Studies; Business Administration; Organizational Leadership and Management; Technology Management; and Healthcare Administration. The program is 16 credits long; can be completed in 6-9 months; and accepts up to six transfer credits.
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