Peirce College’s New Tutoring Software – Brainfuse

Peirce College’s New Tutoring Software – Brainfuse
At Peirce, we want to see you excel in your studies and achieve your degree as much as you do. That’s why we have developed comprehensive student services, available online, to provide the support and resources you need to succeed.
To meet this goal, the Walker Center for Academic Excellence at Peirce College has transitioned its tutoring software to Brainfuse, to better meet the needs of our students. Brainfuse provides free online tutoring and academic resources 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Brainfuse will be integrated into Canvas for easy access for students.
Whether you need assistance with assignments or feedback on written projects, you can receive on-demand help anytime, anywhere. Brainfuse helps students by:
- Providing On-Demand One-to-One Assignment Help: Brainfuse tutors employ a range of field-tested techniques based on current research and best practices that have been specifically adapted for online tutoring to ensure high-quality service and instructional consistency.
- Offering Personalized Asynchronous and Live Writing Assistance: Brainfuse’s writing lab methodologies, customization features, and quality control safeguards make them unique among online tutoring providers.
- Hiring Highly-Qualified Tutors: Brainfuse employs a team of approximately 4,000 tutors, of which 96% have a graduate degree in the area they tutor.
Peirce students enjoy unlimited access to academic tools, which includes flashcards, SkillSurfer practice tests and lessons, MEET virtual meetings, LEAP diagnostic testing, language lab, Brainwave recorded notetaking, and eParachute career aptitude tests. In addition, there are quick video-access to Brainfuse is available in every Canvas course.
As a reminder, the Walker Center also provides disability services, and workshops and events to enhance your academic journey.
If you have any questions about Brainfuse online tutoring, please contact Tracey Thomas, Associate Dean Student Support Services at
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