From PA to VA; From Bachelor’s to Master’s

From PA to VA; From Bachelor’s to Master’s
This story was originally published on Peirce College’s website found here.
In 2018, Peirce College introduced Robin Johnson, at the time a current Organizational Leadership student, who was passionate about her education and profession.
Fast forward two years and this 2018 Women Veterans Award Honoree of the Year is now a Class of 2020 graduate!
After being encouraged and supported by colleague William Blackman, Robin Johnson first started at Peirce College in 2017. “William Blackman continued to talk about Peirce College to me and pushed me to call,” said Robin. “I knew I needed some type of paper in order to progress in my field and I saw all my colleagues going back to school. Finally, I listened to Blackman and I called Karen, my Enrollment Specialist.”
Robin initially chose the Organizational Leadership program because it aligned well with what she does in the military combining her interest and experience in human resources and leadership. What she ended up getting from the program was so much more.
“What I learned by coming to Peirce College and joining the Organizational Leadership program is almost too much to name. The intimacy of the small class sizes and the relationships you create with staff, faculty and your classmates are things I will never forget,” explained Robin. “One professor in particular, Professor Chris Nosal, was so kind and approachable and I’ll always remember him saying to us, ‘I am here for you; I will continue to be here for you; we will go through this journey together.’ Those words stuck with me and it’s little things like that that make the Peirce experience so worthwhile.”
During Robin’s Peirce journey, she actually decided to switch up her position in the military and apply for a position that aligned even more closely with her new degree. Her new position as Family Readiness and Program Coordinator for the National Guard Bureau exposes Robin to human resources opportunities while allowing her to take her education from the classroom to the workplace.
She said, “After landing this new position, I remember my supervisor asking me where I could see myself in five years and I said I wanted to work my way to Master Sergeant. I knew this new position and my new degree would help me because I was now more competitive with my peers and ranked higher on the list for promotions.”
Robin had a goal in mind and she was ready to do whatever she could to achieve it. So, with her career path set, Robin graduated with her Bachelor of Science in Organizational Leadership in the Class of 2020.
But she wasn’t done yet.
“I always said I was never going to go for my master’s degree. I said I was definitely done after my bachelor’s, but I couldn’t help but be inspired by others. I met so many people during my Peirce journey who kept going, so I knew if they could do it, so could I.”
This Fall of 2020, Robin will proudly start in Peirce College’s Master of Science in Organizational Leadership & Management program. She said, “Adding a master’s degree to my resume is going to skyrocket my career. My whole entire life is going to continue to improve with all this new education. I know I am going to land the career I desire and deserve.”
As Robin reflects back on her bachelor’s experience at Peirce and looks forward to her next degree, she said, “In the past, I put up roadblocks for myself, but I didn’t let myself this time. Peirce helped me feel confident enough to make it. When I changed positions, I moved to Virginia, which forced me to be an online student. Peirce made this possible. I could continue to get tutoring, attend events, and feel involved in all my classes from states away. I knew I could do anything with the love, commitment and support Peirce College faculty and peers provided to me.”
Congratulations to Robin on accomplishing her first degree at Peirce and good luck as she seamlessly transitions into her next!
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