A Valley Forge Military College Transfer, An Eager Entrepreneur & Now A Peirce Student: Meet Corey Hinson

A Valley Forge Military College Transfer, An Eager Entrepreneur & Now A Peirce Student: Meet Corey Hinson

Corey Hinson always knew he wanted to earn his bachelor’s degree, but when he started to work full-time after he earned his associate degree in Criminal Justice, his education was put on hold. With initial dreams of becoming a police officer after graduating from Valley Forge Military College (VFMC), a proud Peirce partner, he instead decided to take a different route and began working with Public Safety at Thomas Jefferson University Hospital.

Soon after he started security work with Jefferson Hospital, Corey realized he was great at his job, which inspired him to start his own personal security company which he devotes about 20 hours to per week. Corey said, “I had originally wanted to be a police officer, but then once I was exposed to security and public safety I knew it was a strong suit of mine, and that I could go far with it.”

But after four years of working in this field, Corey took on an additional managerial job at a restaurant that changed his outlook on his future. “I started to get interested in business principles. I wanted to learn more about how to grow my own business, and maybe start another one in the future.” But, more than anything, Corey started to heavily consider a career in teaching and inspiring others. For each of those reasons, Corey enrolled in Peirce College’s Organizational Leadership program in January of 2018.

When asked about how Valley Forge Military College set him up for success both professionally and academically, Corey was very enthusiastic in his praise. “VFMC gave me additional structure and discipline that I was able to eventually apply to my career. Everything from time management, learning study habits, working with the other cadets, it was all instrumental,” explained Corey.

Though there was a four-year gap between Corey earning his associate degree and when he started at Peirce, he says that he was well prepared to begin school again due to his background at VFMC. “There are more similarities than differences between VFMC and Peirce,” he said. “The small-school feel, the way the instructors make themselves available to help you whenever you need it, the family atmosphere; there are tons of things that make them both feel like home to me.”

Corey’s GPA has improved with each of his sessions at Peirce College, currently standing at 3.3. He continues to work full-time at Jefferson Hospital, part-time at his own business and attends school full-time. Needless to say, Corey doesn’t have much free time on his hands, but when he has a moment he enjoys working out, catching up on TV and spending time with his girlfriend.

Peirce College commends Valley Forge Military College on providing Corey with an excellent educational foundation, and we wish Corey nothing but the best of luck in all of his future endeavors!

If you or someone you know is looking to transfer to Peirce College, please contact me, Tom Tschop, Manager, Institutional Partnerships, at 215.670.9203 or ttschop@peirce.edu.

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