The Convenience of the Peirce at Deliverance Partnership Was Everything Frances Needed!

The Convenience of the Peirce at Deliverance Partnership Was Everything Frances Needed!

“I had to get rid of fear. It’s a big thing that holds people back who have been out of school for a while. Once you get rid of fear, you can move forward.” – Frances Johnson

After two associate degrees, Frances thought her educational journey had come to a close. She always knew she wanted a higher degree, but didn’t think a bachelor’s was in her future. Then one day, Celeste Atkins, Coordinator for Education at Deliverance Evangelist Church, told Frances about the new Peirce College at Deliverance partnership and Frances’ educational journey was back in action!

Frances was ready to start chasing her new degree thanks to the convenience of the new partnership. Frances did not want to commute into Center City, so with the accessibility of taking classes right at the Deliverance Evangelist Church, this was the perfect situation for her. Frances said, “It’s much easier for me to get to Deliverance. The parking, the easier commute, the comfortable environment – it is everything I need.”

When deciding on which program to take part in, Frances knew the business-focused degree of Organizational Leadership was the right path. As an aunt of three boys who own their own business and a mother of a son who is going into business as well, Frances wanted to contribute some business knowledge to the family. Frances was ready to gain more insight into the business world that she could directly take to her nephews and son.

Going back to school may seem difficult as a working adult with a full schedule, but it wasn’t for Frances. She said going to school as a nontraditional student is actually better because, “I am able to sit down and apply myself now. I am not running everywhere else putting off my work as I had in the past,” explained Frances.

Now, five classes into the program, Frances is on the fast track to graduation. She said after completing her bachelor’s degree, she isn’t done yet. This has inspired her to continue chasing her dreams by hopefully earning her master’s degree, as well!

One final piece Frances left us with is her words of advice for anyone at any age considering going back to school, “Follow your dreams! Push yourself forward even when you feel like stopping. If I can do it, so can you!”

We congratulate Frances on all of her successes so far and wish her nothing but the best as she continues chasing all of her new degrees!

If you are interested in taking part or learning more about our Peirce College at Deliverance partnership, please contact me, Tom Tschop, Manager, Institutional Enrollment, at 215.670.9203 or

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