Peirce Master’s Degree Tuition Sees no Increase for 3 years, Provides High Value to Students
Peirce Master’s Degree Tuition Sees no Increase for 3 years, Provides High Value to Students
More and more people are seeking Master’s Degrees to advance their education and further their careers. However, with the cost of college tuition continually increasing, many are finding this pursuit financially challenging.

It’s very unusual for any type of a program to hold tuition flat for 3 years in a row, particularly in today’s higher education climate in which we see regular tuition hikes from both public and private institutions as well as rising student loan debt levels.
In the midst of all of these developments, we’re in a pretty fortunate position in that we’ve been able to keep tuition flat. We’ve been able to do this by keeping our costs low, keeping operations very conservative, and by using our resources very wisely. For example, our faculty members perform a number of different roles such as course development, teaching, recruiting, admissions, and advising. We’ve also leveraged the College’s existing resources in order to provide support structures for the Graduate program. These efficiencies create savings that we’re able to pass on to students as a non-profit institution.
If you’re interested in learning more about how Peirce can help you take the next step in your career, visit our Master of Science degree in Organizational Leadership and Management (MSOLM) page or email us at
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