Welcoming our 2014 Delta Mu Delta Inductees!
Welcoming our 2014 Delta Mu Delta Inductees!
We’re extending a warm welcome to the 33 Peirce students who were recently inducted into Peirce’s Kappa Nu chapter of Delta Mu Delta, the International Honor Society in Business Administration. Delta Mu Delta recognizes students who display academic excellence in bachelor’s, master’s, and doctorate business administration degree programs at ACBSP-accredited schools, such as Peirce.
Students must be enrolled in either our Business Administration or Accounting bachelor’s degree programs, have already earned 60 college-level credits, and must maintain a GPA of 3.3 or above to be eligible to join. They can take their classes either on campus or online. With our 33 additions, Peirce’s Kappa Nu chapter of Delta Mu Delta boasts 745 members since our chapter was installed.
This year’s induction ceremony took place on Friday, Dec.5 with students attending both online and on campus. Check out some of the photos we snapped during the on campus ceremony.
Thank you to all of the faculty, staff, inductees and their friends and family who attended the event.
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