Peirce College Holiday Break Reminders
Peirce College Holiday Break Reminders
I hope you’re getting ready to enjoy the holiday break with family and friends. As a reminder, the Peirce College campus will be closed from Wednesday, Dec. 24 through Sunday, Jan. 4, reopening on Monday, Jan. 5 with regular hours. However, all scheduled Session 2 Interim online classes will continue while the campus is closed. Please remember to keep up with your studies if you signed up for an online interim course.
There will be members of the College available if you have questions that need to be addressed or wish to register over the break. The Advising Center, Admissions department, and Office of Financial Aid will be available to assist you by phone or in person on Dec. 29th and Dec. 30th, and January 2nd from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. The Business Office will also be open to assist you during this time via phone. To contact any of these offices, call us at 888.467.3472, followed by:
The Advising Center:ext. 9177
Admissions Department: ext. 9214
Business Office:ext. 9600
Office of Financial Aid: ext. 9370
Students who need technical assistance accessing their online courses between Dec. 24th and Jan. 4th should contact the Peirce Help Desk by emailing, calling 877.670.9189, or by using Live Chat through the tech support link on the online course website. Faculty members teaching online courses during this time will be available through their normal means of communication.
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