On Campus or Online: Which Model Works Best for You
On Campus or Online: Which Model Works Best for You
Congratulations students on a successful fall! As you begin planning your academic path for 2015, it’s important to keep in mind which types of learning model works best for you when it comes to your schedule, commitments, and attendance. These models include on campus, and online, along with morning, afternoon, and evening classes. As we’ve discussed before, class attendance is perhaps the single most important factor that contributes to academic success.
When determining which method will work best for you, it is important to look at your schedule, taking all factors of life into consideration such as family obligations and work commitments (for example, do you have set hours or do your shifts change on a regular basis?) It’s unfortunate to see students choose on campus but due to childcare, family, work and other issues they end up missing several classes or others who choose online but would have benefitted more from the on-campus interaction. Being realistic about what will work best for you when choosing your classes will pay off as the session, and your academic career, progresses.

For others, the classroom learning style works best for them. They benefit from the person-to-person interaction with faculty, the visual aspect of the classroom and whiteboard, and having face-to-face conversations with their classmates.
For students who may have scheduling challenges but still prefer the in-class model, courses are offered in the morning, afternoon, and/or evening.
So as you can see, there are many different options for attending class based on your particular
situation. The most important thing to consider is which model will allow you to be the most engaged in each and every course. Keep in mind that 97% of students who attend every class pass their course.
If you have further questions about which model works best with your unique situation, your academic advisor will be happy to work with you to put together a plan that best works for you. Contact your academic advisor at 215.670.9177 or email advisingcenter@peirce.edu.
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