New Scholarship Opportunity for Aspiring Paralegals

New Scholarship Opportunity for Aspiring Paralegals

Paralegal students, here is an amazing opportunity to earn a $2000 scholarship while honoring a local pioneer in the paralegal profession who recently passed away.
The Mary L. Creekmore Memorial Scholarship is a $2,000 award given through the Philadelphia Association of Paralegals to a paralegal student who shares Mary’s vision for the profession. The mission of the scholarship is to “preserve and foster the ideals of Mary L. Creekmore by supporting the paralegal profession and individuals who aspire to the profession who share like-minded ethics, values and interests.” She created the scholarship a few months before her passing as a way to benefit the next generation of paralegals.
Mary was a very dedicated member of the paralegal profession and spent much of her career advocating on its behalf. In addition to serving as president of the Philadelphia Association of paralegals, she also taught Professional Responsibility and Ethics to paralegal students. On a national level, she served as a delegate and Ethics and Professional Responsibilities Coordinator to the National Federation of Paralegal Associations (NFPA).
All students demonstrating academic excellence while enrolled in a paralegal studies program within the Delaware Valley area are eligible.
To be considered, students must submit an essay on the following topic:
The theme of the 2014 PAP Education Conference was “The Ethical Paralegal.” Explain what it means to be an ethical paralegal. Please provide examples of ethical dilemmas and how you, as a working paralegal, would handle these situations.

If you’re interested, the full application and further details can be found here. All submissions must be postmarked by Friday, November 28, 2014. Winners will be selected by the PAP Professional Development committee and awarded at the Association’s quarterly luncheon in January 2015.
 Mary was dedicated to the profession and a driving force for the evolution that has taken place in the paralegal profession.  This scholarship is a wonderful memorial to a wonderful person. We’d love to see a Peirce student win the scholarship and continue to advance the paralegal profession the way Mary intended.
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