Criminal Justice Event Featuring Tom Minton, Director of PA Homeland Security

Criminal Justice Event Featuring Tom Minton, Director of PA Homeland Security

Criminal Justice, Legal Studies, and all interested Peirce students, mark your calendars! Next Tuesday, September 30th Peirce College’s Criminal Justice Studies Program will host an insightful conversation with Tom Minton, the Director of the Pennsylvania Department of Homeland Security.
Tom is native to the area and has over 22 years of experience in the FBI where he specialized in terrorism investigations. Minton was involved in the investigation of the 1995 bombing of the federal building in Oklahoma City, the bombing of the American embassies in Kenya and Tanzania, and led a significant portion of the investigation into the 9/11 attacks. He also sits on the Advisory Board for the Peirce Criminal Justice Studies program.

During the event he will talk about his experience and the current landscape of the criminal justice profession. He’ll give students career perspective and insight into what you’ll need and how to prepare if you’re interested in pursuing a career in homeland security.
Peirce Criminal Justice Studies events are designed to give students a real-world perspective from subject matter experts with extensive experience in their respective fields. Even for students who may not desire to work in homeland security, they’ll gain valuable insight and a broader perspective of careers related to criminal justice and legal studies.
In advance of the event, if you are interested in learning more about Tom Minton, the Pennsylvania Department of Homeland Security, and their functions, you can visit check out their mission and objectives. Also, Tom will be happy to answer any questions you have about careers in criminal justice during the conversation. The event will be held in Room 64 on September 30th from 11:00AM – 12:30PM.
The recently launched bachelor’s degree program for Criminal Justice Studies offers classes both on campus and online. The program prepares students for careers in the quickly evolving field by providing them with hands-on, real-world experience handling the legal, social and technological challenges in the criminal justice field. Students learn from instructors from across the country who have excelled in the field and served in organizations including the FBI, CIA, and National Guard. To learn more visit our Criminal Justice Studies program
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