Lighting up the grill to give back to the Pennsylvania National Guard

Lighting up the grill to give back to the Pennsylvania National Guard

The warm days of summer are here, and for many, that means spending time outdoors grilling with friends and family. We wanted to take that summer spirit a step further, so we recently hosted a BBQ to thank members of the Pennsylvania National Guard for their service!

Fort Indiantown Gap serves as an active training center and headquarters for the Pennsylvania National Guard. So we drove to the Pennsylvania National Guard Education Center at the Gap on July 19 to serve burgers, hot dogs, and all the fixings to over 100 military members during their lunch break.

Peirce has worked with the Pennsylvania National Guard for years, and many of its soldiers have earned their college degrees from Peirce. As we spent time with attendees at the barbecue, some had questions about continuing their education, which we were happy to answer. Others inquired about the military benefits Peirce has, our enrollment and academic support, and the annual full-tuition scholarship we offer to a military member or spouse each year.

Thanks to Steve Bird, Paul Ballentine, Denise Kerr, and the entire staff at the Pennsylvania National Guard Education Center for putting the event together!

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