Introducing the Philly Adult Learners Step-by-Step Road Map to College to help you improve your education decision-making

Introducing the Philly Adult Learners Step-by-Step Road Map to College to help you improve your education decision-making

ROAD MAP: Our new tool provides educational information
that’s tailored to your individual needs

We launched in May 2011 to give local students information they need about earning a college degree. Since then, more than 34,000 adult learners have visited the site to learn more about how they can incorporate earning a college degree into their busy lives. But we always want to do more to support working adults in Philadelphia.

So we’ve created a new addition to, a Step-by-Step Road Map to College, available now! It provides educational information tailored to the specific needs of individual students and is available after visitors answer a few simple questions.

Every prospective adult learner has questions about college. These can include: What degrees lead to the best jobs? How do I apply to college? Can I get any financial assistance in earning my degree? What’s the best way to prepare for the college transition? How do I balance earning my degree, my full-time job, and my personal life?

This is where the Road Map comes into play. The tool starts by getting to know you. It asks you about what type of education program you’re looking for; where you are in the degree program selection process; if you’re interested in learning more about financial aid, employer tuition reimbursement, or military benefits; and more.

After you submit your answers, a detailed Road Map is sent to the email address you provide. It includes help with researching schools and programs, applying, financial aid, and career tips. With your Road Map in hand, you can use the information provided to support your education decision-making.

In addition, you’ll also have access to a host of other resources to help you plan your educational journey, avoid pitfalls, and overcome common obstacles. These include:

  • Inspirational stories about adult learners who are succeeding in their lifelong learning journeys
  • Strategies to improve your job search
  • Resources to manage school and work stress
  • Tips for getting ahead in your career

This is the latest step in our mission to support the needs of working adults in Philadelphia. If you haven’t yet started earning your degree, visit today to learn how to make the right decisions about your educational future. And if you have family members, friends, or colleagues who are thinking about earning their degree but aren’t sure how to get started, encourage them to complete their own Step-by-Step Road Map to College. Give it a whirl, and tell us what you think.

Please note: As of August 2015, PhillyAdultLearners is no longer active.

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