Vote now for Peirce Idol 2011, student singer of the national anthem at Peirce College Commencement

Vote now for Peirce Idol 2011, student singer of the national anthem at Peirce College Commencement

As Peirce students know, going back to school to get your bachelor’s degree is not an easy decision to make – especially when you have to balance the responsibilities of home life, work life and family life. Peirce’s 2011 Commencement is a time to celebrate, to say yes – you can do this – and to reflect on these students who overcame all obstacles in their lives so they can advance in their career through the accomplishment of a bachelor’s degree.

In keeping with this celebration, we’re continuing a new tradition we started at Peirce last year, where we offer our student body the chance to help us commemorate the achievement of earning a degree by competing in Peirce Idol for a chance to sing at our commencement ceremony.

Four students auditioned before a panel of judges last week in hopes of becoming this year’s Peirce Idol. There wasn’t a single performance that didn’t give the panel goosebumps! They each casted their votes, and now it’s time for you to cast yours to select the student who will sing the national anthem at this year’s Commencement.

Below is a video where you can watch all four auditions. In order you’ll see:

  1. V. Shayne Frederick
  2. Marc Davis
  3. Raven Holloway
  4. Morraye Berrios

Please be sure to listen to all of the auditions before casting your vote – the deadline is May 18 May 20! Once you’ve decided on a favorite, VOTE to let us know who you think should be Peirce Idol of Commencement 2011! Your votes will be combined with the judging panel’s to select the winner.

A special thank you to all our contestants who were willing to share their talents, and best of luck to all! We’ll announce the winner at the end of the month, so be on the lookout for another post from me.

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