Peirce inducts first members into paralegal honor society Lambda Epsilon Chi
Peirce inducts first members into paralegal honor society Lambda Epsilon Chi
We shared some exciting news for the Peirce Paralegal Studies program a few months back: the College established its own Chapter of Lambda Epsilon Chi (LEX), a nationally recognized academic honor society for paralegal students sponsored by the American Association for Paralegal Education (AAfPE).
LEX provides a platform for established Paralegal Studies programs to recognize students for their academic excellence. We have so many outstanding students here at Peirce that it was a logical step to find a way to recognize their achievements. Since then, Assistant Professor Cyndi Gentile, Associate Professor Carol Sherman, and Dean of Students Rita Toliver-Roberts have been hard at work to make this happen.
On Friday, April 15, 2011, we will be inducting our first class of members into the Peirce chapter of LEX. This inaugural group of 73 inductees includes current students as well as alumni who have graduated within the past five years, all of whom have met the society’s standards for superior academic performance. To be eligible for LEX, inductees must have a cumulative and major GPA of 3.5 or higher within the Paralegal Studies Bachelor of Science degree program or the Post-Bachelor Certificate program.
LEX membership means a lot to Peirce’s Paralegal Studies program. For one, it opens doors to national scholarship opportunities, networking, and employment opportunities for our paralegal students. It also acknowledges the success of our Paralegal Studies program and the College’s commitment to the profession through educating and training future paralegals.
Induction is only the first step. The society charges members with the pursuit of that same excellence in their future professional endeavors, therefore building the overall profession and promoting growth and progress.
As we prepare for the first induction ceremony, Cyndi, Carol, Rita, and I would like to thank everyone who played a part in making this possible and bringing LEX to Peirce. It was a group of passionate students who truly drove the idea and made it known to faculty and staff that this was important to them. We take our students’ feedback seriously, and we’ve been working hard for the past few years to make it happen.
More information about LEX membership can be found on the Peirce College student organizations page and, for current students, at the Peirce College Paralegal Student Association site at We’ll have photos and highlights of our inaugural induction ceremony after the event, so keep an eye out after April 15!
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