Graduates of the BS in Technology Management degree, students will be able to:
Transfer Credits:
See how you can finish this degree for as low as $11,000.
Per Credit Tuition:
$600 per credit
See if you are eligible for a corporate discount
*Tuition is based on current Peirce College tuition and does not include fees or books.
PRC 101 | Peirce College Orientation | 1 |
BIS 111 | Application Software Fundamentals | 3 |
COM 112 | Speech Communication | 3 |
COM 312 | Practical Reasoning | 3 |
ENG 101 | English Composition | 3 |
ENG 103 | Rhetoric and Research | 3 |
HUM 102 | Introduction to Ethics | 3 |
HUM/HIS | Humanities/History Core (choose 1) | 3 |
MAT 101 | Introduction to College Mathematics | 3 |
MAT 102 | College Algebra | 3 |
SCI | Science Core (choose 2) | 6 |
SOC SCI | Social Science Core (chose 2) | 6 |
GEN ED | General Education Core (choose 1) | 3 |
ACC 105 | Fundamentals of Accounting | 3 |
BIS 201 | HTML and the World Wide Web | 3 |
BIS 235 | Database Management Systems | 3 |
BIS 402 | Systems Analysis and Design | 3 |
BUS 100 | Introduction to Business | 3 |
ISC 310 | Information Security and Risk Management | 3 |
ISC 425 | Network Security and Security Operations | 3 |
ITN 130 | Networking Fundamentals | 3 |
MAT 109 or MAT 370 | Statistics I or Applied Discrete Mathematics (choose 1) | 3 |
MGT 210 | Applied Management Concepts | 3 |
MGT 306 | Organizational Dynamics | 3 |
MIS 110 | Usability Principles and Design | 3 |
MIS 205 | Ethical Management of Information Technology | 3 |
MIS 302 | Project Management | 3 |
MIS 425 | Special Topics in Management | 3 |
ELE | Elective courses (choose 11) | 33 |
Graduates of our Technology Management program will be able to take on supervisor or management roles in the IT field. You’ll be prepared to analyze real-world technology problems and identify and implement innovative solutions. Join Peirce graduates working in IT in healthcare, financial services, insurance, banking and other industries. For more information about potential technology management careers for Peirce graduates, visit our Information Technology Careers page.
1608 Walnut Street, Suite 1900
Philadelphia, PA 19103